Thursday, March 28, 2013

6 Reasons Every Small Business Should Be Blogging… Are You Missing the Boat?

I am amazed at the blog-reluctance of many small businesses. I hear things like “I don’t have time to blog”, “blogging doesn’t make sense in my industry”, and sometimes even the dreaded “what the heck is a blog?”

The reality is if your company provides unique products or services, you should be blogging. (And if your company doesn’t, you should probably consider a career change.)
Of course, the overall return on investment on a blog will vary from business to business. But there are 6 fundamental benefits to corporate blogging that should not be overlooked:
1) Gain Visibility as a Thought Leader
Each thoughtful post on your blog is a public demonstration of your thought leadership, personal integrity, humor, and professional insights. You don’t have to refute one of Einstein’s theories to get respect. For example, a summary of recent trends in your industry, or a reaction to a recent news article can be extremely effective blog posts.
2) Engage Customers in a Dialogue
If you blog using a solid blogging engine, readers will have the option to comment on each article. Folks who comment on your blog may be sales leads, or they may just challenge or support your views. Either way, comments beget comments, and you will soon be at the center of an industry-relevant dialogue with customers and partners.
3) Every Blog Article is an SEO Opportunity
The much-discussed “long tail” of search refers to highly specialized, low-traffic search terms that represent a significant amount of total searches. Translation: lots and lots of people are searching online for lots and lots of random things. You can’t realistically optimize your site for every long tail search term, but you can certainly write blog posts targeting niche keyword phrases that are likely to draw highly qualified prospects. For example, blog a reaction to a speaker in your vertical at a local tech conference. You may not draw much natural search traffic, but there is a good chance your blog will rank well very soon for searches like “vertical + conference + speaker + city”, and those visitors may be highly interested in your reaction to the speech.
4) Blogs Are Link Bait
Very few websites or bloggers will link to the “products and services” page on a corporate website. People don’t link to corporate advertisements. On the other hand, a good blog article is an industry-specific insight or a thoughtful critique. Blog articles garner links because they are interesting, informative, and not overly corporate or sales-focused. The benefit to you is that more links means better search engine rankings and more site traffic, which translates into more sales leads.
5) Humanize Your Brand
Blogs offer an opportunity for a company to present its insightful, helpful, thoughtful side. Through a blog, prospects will get a sense of your company’s people, culture, and vision. Blogs are an opportunity to provide a less antiseptic view of your company that is more personal and less “corporate”. Blogs can humanize your brand.
6) In Google, Fresher Content = Better Website
Google will periodically crawl websites looking for new and updated content. In general, it is better to have Google crawl your site as often as possible. Sites that get crawled more often have more frequent updates and more authority. Blogging consistently ensures there will be fresh content on your site.
Despite these reasons why companies should be blogging, the same 2 objections surface time and time again:
1) I Don’t Have Time to Blog
The truth is you don’t have time *not* to blog.  You probably already write blog articles, you just don’t call them that. Blogs are the new email newsletters. Most anything that could go in your newsletter can go in your blog. You can still send the content out via email, and readers can subscribe to your blog to get posts via email. Portions of white papers can also make excellent blog articles. But a blog is better than a newsletter or a white paper because readers can join the debate and be positioned to respond to other “calls to action” you may place adjacent to or within posts. In addition, readers will be able to navigate your blog to read older articles that would otherwise be in a deleted newsletter or white paper. Best of all, each blog article you post will provide lasting benefit because it is a web page that can be optimized, indexed, and drawing natural search traffic for you ad infinitum.
In addition, quality blogging engines can support multiple authors, so more than one leader in your organization can post articles. This takes the pressure off any one individual.  And remember that a good blog post might just draw a parallel between two or three recent articles, or suggest an explanation for a puzzling industry phenomenon. A good article doesn’t have to be a PhD thesis.
2) What if My Customers Actually Find Out What I’m Thinking?  Some professionals don’t like the idea of blogging because it means relinquishing control over some elements of the corporate brand. A blog is less formal than a press release or an official marketing message, and the comments left by readers cannot be predicted. The point here is… too bad! In today’s world, consumers have access to thousands of opinions about your brand, and thousands of articles, commentaries, product reviews, etc. that will certainly impact the buying decision. The idea that you can control exactly how your brand will be perceived or keep consumers in the dark is outdated. The truth is your best option is to engage customers in an honest, open dialogue. Be confident that transparency is the best policy, and customers will reward your candor.
In closing, get out there and blog!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How To Keep Your Craigslist Ad at the Top

How to Keep Your Craigslist Listing at the Top of the Search Results
Craigslist displays search results in reverse chronological order, so if you're selling a popular item you can quickly fall further and further in the listings. If you want to keep your item up top, you need to frequently repost. Here's an easy way to minimize the tediousness of reposting your ad to move it to the top of the search listings.
  • Create a Craigslist account if you don't already have one and log in.
  • Post your ad, wait until it falls in the listings, and then right-click the ad you want to repost (on your account page) and open it in a new tab.
  • In the new tab, you'll have an option to edit your ad. Right-click the option to edit and open it in a new tab.
  • Now right click your category and open that in a new tab. Create a new ad in that category, then navigate between the tabs you already have open and copy and paste the information from the existing ad into the new fields.
  • Once you've copy-and-pasted all the information into the new ad, delete the old one from your account page and post the new one. Now your ad will be back up top.
This may seem like it's just as tedious as redoing the ad from scratch, but I do this for pretty much every Craigslist listing I post and I can promise it does save quite a bit of time. As a Craigslist seller, it's a handy trick, but as any buyer knows, little is more annoying than having to weed through the same ad popping up at the top of your results every single day, so re-post responsibly, and please, don't spam.

Craigslist Ad Posting Guide

How to Post Ads in Different States on Craigslist

Craigslist is an online classified ad network that operates websites in dozens of cities, states and regions around the globe. Whether you want to sell merchandise, offer employment or seek out romance, there are legitimate reasons to post ads in multiple locations. Remember to follow Craigslist's Terms of Use -- in other words, don't "spam" the site and post the exact same ad multiple times -- if you need to post ads in several states.


    • 1
      Create a Craigslist account. It isn't necessary to open an account to post on Craigslist, but doing so makes the process of posting easier. Click "My Account," then "Sign Up for An Account." Enter your email address, the required "CAPTCHA" sequence then click "Continue." Enter your first and last name, and a desired password, then click "Sign Up."
    • 2
      Go to the Craigslist website of the state and city where you want to post your first ad. Move your mouse to the right side of the Craigslist homepage, click "US States" then select the name of the state where you want to post. Click the name of the city where you want to post.
  • 3
    Post your ad. Click the "Post to Classifieds" button, select a category, then input a title, price, location and description. Add pictures if necessary. Click "Continue" to preview your ad, accept the Craigslist Terms of Use and publish your ad.
  • 4
    Visit another state's Craigslist page to post your second ad. If your second ad concerns the same subject as the first, avoid copying and pasting content directly. Doing so constitutes spam and violates the site's Terms of Use.
    Mca and Gwp
  • TONS Of Links To Post Your Ads To

    Remember When Posting Spread The Word! like The Page , Share It Blog It ! If No One See's It No One Will EVER KNOW !
    Also Do Not Post To Much On Craig s List Unless You Have Different Account ! YOU WILL BE FLAGGED AND GHOSTED FOR LIFE! Unless YOU GET A Different WIFI  or GO TO A FREE WIFI AREA ! I Recommend
    You Should Be Posting A Min Of 25-50 ads Daily In Order To See Daily Results!
    Before You Post  Any Ads Get Your Own Domain - You Will Use This Domain In Your Advertising
    Below Is A Very extensive list of places to post..  We also want to let you know about a
    ONE-STOP ADVERTISING POSTING SHOP Offering Paid services that are a tremendous value...
    POST YOUR ADS On The Sites below

    Free/Cheap Online Classified Advertising Venues (locations) - Mixed

    There are many different forms of advertising - all of which have their own strengths and depending on your budget, may suit your needs. Here are some other paid advertising resources and mediums that may be of interest to you. This is purely a resouce center for affiliates who are seeking stronger reach, more targeted niches and have some money to spend on advertising their business. If you see any price differences than what we have listed - please shoot a message to affiliate services so we can reflect the change on the site.

    Solo ezines are a strong, effective and inexpensive way to advertise. A solo ezine is an ad sent out to the entire subscriber base of an ezine.

    In making your decision in which ezines to advertise in - it's all about "reach" and "budget." Meaning - how many people do you want to "reach"? And...more importantly - "what is your budget?" Reach and budget go hand in hand. Always remember that you get what you pay for. Higher prices mean higher circulation.

    We have created a list of companies with their eZine prices below (some are free). We are aware that these companies may also offer other services but we have only listed them by general price-range for their ezine ads.
    Ezine LinkReach/TypePrice RangeEzine LinkReach/TypePrice
    Ezine 3400K Subscribers$15.00Ezine 41.9 million Subscribers$29.95
    Ezine 534K SubscribersFree TrainingEzine 6100K Subscribers$149.00
    Ezine 9Classified, Sponsored, Stand alone$44.00-$157.00Ezine 10Classified, Sponsored, Spotlight ads$20.00-$60.00
    Ezine 11One on One help$15.00-$199.99Ezine 13Classifieds and Sponsored$16.00-$50.00
    Ezine 14Sponsored & Solo Ad$67.00-$127.00Ezine 16Variety of Ads$65.00-$711.00
    SCAN Networks
    This is an alphabetized list by state of the SCAN (Statewide Classified Ad Networks) and other organizations to purchase offline and print advertising. Instead of having to choose a single location, you can have your ad run statewide in many places. The SCAN network is a fast and easy way to get your ad out there with no monthly obligation.

    AlabamaHave your ad run in print across the state of Alabama. $210 - 25 words or less. $7.50 for each additional word. 850,000 Circulation.
    ArizonaHave your ad run in print across the state of Arizona. $330 - 25 words or less in 90 newspapers totaling 2 Million readers.
    ArkansasHave your ad run in print across the state of Arkansas $400 - 25 words or lisss in 29 publications for 5 days
    CaliforniaRegional rates: Reach over 3 million Californians in Northern or Southern California! Place a 25-word classified ad in 100 newspapers for $550.
    FloridaHave your ad run in print across the state of Florida. 5 Million Readers - $475 for 1 ad.
    GeorgiaHave your ad run in print across the state of Georgia. 130 different papers $350 and $8 for each additional word
    IdahoHave your ad run in print across the state of Idaho. $150 - for 52 papers.(down)
    IllinoisRun your ad in 380 newspapers to an estimated 4.5 million readers. Contact staff for a quote
    IowaRun your ad in 248 newspapers to an estimated 1.2 million readers. Contact staff for a quote
    KansasHave your 25 word ad run in 140 Kansas papers to an estimated 1 Million readers. $300 For Your 25 Word Ad
    KentuckyHave your ad run in 70 papers to an estimate 800,000 readers. $250 For Your 25 Word Ad
    LouisianaHave your ad run in 112 newspapers to an estimated 1.2 Million readers. $265.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    MarylandHave your ad run in 126 papers with an estimated 4.9 million circulation. $500.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    MichiganHave your ad run in print across the state of Michigan to 130 different newspapers. 2.2 million circulation with an estimated 4 million readers. $299.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    MinnesotaHave your ad run across the state of Minnesota to different 240 newspapers and nearly 2 million households. $199 For Your 25 Word Ad
    MissouriHave your ad run to 199 different papers reaching an estimated 2.25 million readers. $300.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    MontanaHave your ad run in 66 different Montana newspapers to an estimated 193,000 homes. $139.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    NebraskaHave your ad run in print across the state of Nebraska. $210 for 830,000 readers.
    NevadaHave your ad run in print across the state of Nevada. $149 for state wide advertising.
    New EnglandHave your ad run in 284 community newspapers to an estimated 2.2 million readers. $395.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    New JerseyHave your ad run in 135 papers with an estimated circulation of about 2 Million. $520.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    New MexicoHave your ad run in 29 papers with an estimated circulation of about 240,000. $154.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    New YorkHave your ad run in print across the state of New York. $425 - reach over 3 million people
    North CarolinaStatewide. $300 - reach 1.6 million households.
    North Dakota89 different papers with total circulation around 400,000. $139.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    Ohio155 different newspapers with estimated 1.5 million circulation. $295.00 For Your 25 Word Advertisement (can't find link on google)
    Oklahoma193 different papers reaching an estimated 1.2 million readers. $285.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    Oregon80 different newspapers to an estimated 500,000 readers across Oregon. $250 For Your 25 Word Ad or $100 per Region.
    Pennsylvania158 different newspapers with an estimated circulation of a 1.69 Million. $475 For Your 25 Word Ad.
    South Carolina107 different newspapers to an estimated 2.9 million readers. $375 For Your 25 Word Ad
    South Dakota128 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 700,000 people. $150.00 For Your 25 Word Ad
    Texas307 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 1,018,298 people. $500 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $14.00 ea.
    Virginia76 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 1,100,000 people. $275 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $10.00 ea.
    West Virginia125 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 2,700,000 people. $200 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $7.00 ea.
    Washington103 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 808,319 people. $255 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $10.00 ea.
    Wisconsin178 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 2,284,082people. $300 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $10.00 ea.
    Wyoming(1)38 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 277,874 people. $235 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $10.00 ea.
    Most State Press Associations accept major credit cards as payment for classified advertising.
    Banner Advertising Venues(locations)

    Please Refrain from Posting Multiple Times in the Same Day on these Forums,
    You Can Get Banned from the forum for that Behavior
    Start Sampling Forums
    Slick Deal Forums
    YDF Freebies Forum Your Daily Freebies.
    Free Stuff Times Forums.
    Free Stuff Forum.
    Spoofee Freebies and Giveaways Forum.
    BigBigForums Big Deals Board.
    CheapStingyBargains Hot Deals Freebies Forum
    RetailMeNot Freebies Forum
    YesAll4Free Forums
            Want To Be an MCA Associate ?  click HERE 
    NEED GWP ? Click   HERE

    Sample Business Opportunity Ads to Copy/Paste

    (Use these ads to post in the Business Opportunity/Financial Section of classifieds)

    $80 SALE=200% Commission…Cash Paid Every Friday!

    Got Laid off?

    Out of options?

    Think again, We have your plan B... and it works like CRAZY..
    (your link)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    If you have a computer and internet access, you've got all you need to make this work!

    (your link)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    My WEEKLY INCOME is through the Roof!

    As the subject says - I've built an awesome monthly income!
    I didn't even talk to anyone! They all just came
    across my website from one of my free ads or my low budget
    ads and signed up.

    The sales are pouring in as well - which means OTHERS
    are cranking with this bad boy, too - it is UNREAL!!

    Isn't it making you sick to hear about all this success I'm having?
    Well I've got your medicine.

    Jump in now and you'll be pingin' off the walls just like me.

    This is the one and only business that is making me a ton of money!
    This kind of support is unparalleled and is the only time you'll
    receive an opportunity like this - guaranteed!

    Talk to you soon!

    This is a serious work from home opportunity! Go here now .. (your link)


    Would Just Another $80 a Day Help?

    Less than a month ago one of our team members signed up WHO HAD NEVER MADE ANY MONEY ONLINE.
    Within a week they started earning OVER
    $80 a day (that's an extra $2400 per month)
    paid directly into their bank account.
    Can you imagine?
    How would your life be different if you could
    "work" less than 15 minutes per day to rake in
    an extra $2400 per month (or more!)... and by
    work I mean...
    COPY and PASTE and POST
    Can you copy and paste?
    If you can, then you have everything you need to start posting and..
    to start making money because when you join our team today - we GIVE YOU all the content to post to your ad. So you just have to "copy and paste" to start making money
    Get the juicy details below..
    (your link)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hey There! So you want to Market Online? {Earn while you learn}

    I just wanted to let you know that this is literally taking the industry by storm! it's Crazy!

    We're just getting warmed up. Never before has it been so easy to make this much money online.

    I'm still pinching myself sometimes thinking it's a dream... But it's REAL!

    This works for anybody, regardless of your background, your experience, your financial situation, where you live, who you are

    - anybody can succeed with this!

    Learn more here.. your link here
    Internet Marketing Business

    Record-breaking growth has driven us to the top of Internet marketing businesses.

    You can build a profitable home-based business working part-time from your home computer!

    Training, support, Marketing system, and product all provided!

    Earn $500-$2000 Weekly! Learn how (your link)

    MAKE MONEY ONLINE TODAY! Don’t waste another minute!


    Don't waste another minute!

    Click here and learn how you can make $80.00 a sale over and over again.

    Every single day from anywhere... even while you sleep!



    Learn more here ..(your link)
    Make $80 Within The Next 30 Minutes

    JUST WATCH a short video that will explain.

    Its very simple.

    In addition, to the $80.00, you will have the opportunity to make much more if you choose.

    FYI: This is not a get rich quick scheme, its just a way to put a few extra bucks in your pocket.

    Get info here (your link)
    Looking for Income? We’re Looking for Partners

    Find out how you can make a GREAT salary helping People and...
    Increasing profits . . . All while working...
    Comfortably from your home office!
    Click here for more info (your link)
    Immediate Work available..You Can Make $1000s Weekly!

    We show you how to set up everything. You only need an email address and Internet access so you can work anywhere. All work is done online and you will NOT have to package, print or ship anything at all. That's right - a REAL work from home position that pays you WEEKLY and costs you as much as it would to drive to interviews for a week.

    Make a smart move and get started! (your link)
    >How to make money if you’re lazy!

    Look... I'm kinda lazy.

    I hate admitting it, but there's no denying the truth.

    That's why I love the fact that I can still pull in  $100s a day and only work a few minutes a day.

    When you've got the best thing out there, it all becomes a reality.

    Join me... you'll quickly see how possible this all really is:

    See how I do it here (your link)
    Make $80 Over and Over EVERYDAY! I will personally show you how.

    This is extremely easy to do, but gives you the ability to make several hundred, or several thousand dollars per day, week, or month. What you will be doing with this position is simple web based work. If you can copy and paste, send emails and surf the web, the you can do this - either part-time or full-time. Get started right now! (your link)
    I Want to Help You…

    I'm tired of seeing good people throw away
    their money on programs that don't work
    as advertised.

    I believe... if I help enough people get what
    they want... I'll get what I want.

    In order to provide you with the best possible
    service, I am currently looking for only 5 people
    that are willing to be trained using my proven
    marketing strategies.

    I will spend my time showing you how to make
    more than you could ever imagine.

    No hype, just fact.

    You must be willing to be trained and stop
    using methods that just eat away at your income.

    If you have had enough of the insanity and really
    want to succeed, then visit my site. (your link here)
    These Three “Words” Close Sales Like Magic!

    These Three "Words" Close Sales Like Magic COPY PASTE POST

    So, if you're not closing at least one sale a day right now, you're about to learn how to :)

    It's easier than you think..

    You will even see how to close more sales than the so called "closers"....all WITHOUT ever picking up the phone.

    It's a pretty simple trick..

    Trust me here: If you want to go places and do things in your business - you need to know how to close - and that's what you're about to discover how to do!

    Discover the secret here (your link)

    Ad Writing Guide For Motor Club Of America

    What is the purpose of the ad? The purpose of a classified ad is simply to get the reader to take the next logical step. In most cases,
    you will want the reader to click to your web site. Your site may provide reams of information, or perhaps
    you prefer a lead generation approach that asks the reader for their contact details before you reveal
    complete information.
    Either way, your ad has one job and one job only. That job is to SELL THE CLICK. If the reader doesn't click on your ad NOW, you will have lost an opportunity to make a sale. You have
    about seven words and three seconds to get their attention or the ballgame's over!
    They won't read it twice.
    That's why, as you will see, the headline is so very important.
    One important factor to remember is that the purpose of your ad should rarely be to sell the
    Trying to sell your product using a small ad (compared to the words one can use on a website) is called
    one-step marketing. One-step marketing is most effective for products where there is already a
    perceived value and you have some competitive edge, like price.
    For example, let s say you sell Michelin tires. In addition, let s say you have the best price ever on
    Michelin tires. Even Wal-Mart can t touch your price. Under this scenario, it would make sense to write an
    ad that touts your low price since you only want to reach people who want to buy Michelin tires.
    Taking people who respond to your ad directly to an order page, instead of a sales page, would work
    because they don t need to be sold on the tires. They just need to order.
    Over the years, it has been proven that a two-step process works best for most products, and that a
    two-step process works very well on the Internet. Most of the ads you've responded to are probably
    using a two-step method.
    Using a two-step method you use the ad to create an interest (or curiosity) about your product, then
    take the reader to your website where your web copy makes the sale. That s why we say that the job of
    the ad is to sell the click. All that matters is that the person clicks to your website. If they click, your
    ad did its job!
    Now that you know something about the two methods of writing ads, let s look at the mechanics of how
    to write a great ad.
    The Three Elements of a Great Ad
    A great ad contains three essential elements. While they are to be thought of as separate elements, it is when they flow together that you create a great ad.
    Best of all, you can often mix and match these three elements from your most successful ads to create a
    The three parts of a great ad are...
    1. The Headline
    2. The Body
    3. The Call to Action
    The Headline
    You have about seven words, or three seconds, to get people to stop scanning and read your ad. Once
    they pass it up, they won't come back and read it. In light of this, your headline must grab attention
    while being honest to the rest of your ad.
    NOTE: Some people use sensational headlines with no relationship to their offer in order to grab
    attention. We don't recommend this approach because integrity is what sells best long term. Why tell
    them you lack integrity with the first words they ever read from you?
    One example is the word free. If you really do offer valuable, free information there s nothing wrong with
    saying so. But if you consider the copy on your website to be that free information, as opposed to a free
    eBook for example, you will create disappointment in the mind of your reader if you use the word free.
    Be accurate and specific, especially when creating expectation and you can t go wrong!
    Here are some ideas to help you write a great headline.
    Help them immediately understand your offer.
    Begin each sentence with an action word.
    Use words like NOW, YOU, MONEY, or FEEL.
    Show your sense of humor.
    Create curiosity.
    Use all caps in the headline only.
    Ask a question.
    Psychologists tell us there are only two things that motivate people to action. Those two are fear of
    loss and promise of gain. Whether these are the only two or not, they are certainly powerful and should
    be part of every headline. Appealing to ego also works well.
    People love to be the first on the block to own a new invention yet hate to take risks. Consider your audience before you choose how to motivate them. Remember, the headline is the ad for your ad. You are using those 5 to 7 words only to sell the reader
    on reading the rest of the ad.
    To help you get a feel for what a great headline looks like, consider these samples. Each of these
    headlines has stood the test of time. Many of them have been partly responsible for the sale of literally
    millions of dollars worth of products.
    The Secret of Making People Like You
    Do You Make These Mistakes In English?
    You Can Laugh At Money Worries - If You Follow This Simple Plan
    When Doctors "Feel Rotten" This Is What They Do
    How I Improved My Memory In One Evening
    Often A Bridesmaid, Never A Bride
    The Most Expensive Mistake Of Your Life
    Do you see how each of these proven headlines is brief yet makes you want to know more? Creating
    curiosity is perhaps the best headline writing technique.
    Start a Swap File
    One last tip before we move on. Almost all professional copywriters use what is called a swap file .
    Sometimes called a swipe file , this file is simply a collection of headlines that you find over time as
    you read web copy, classified ads, ezine ads and more.
    Creating your own swap file is easy. Start a word processing document you can open with a moment s
    notice. Then when you notice a headline that catches your attention, make a copy and put it in the file.
    Then when you need a great headline, use the headlines you collected as idea starters. We would
    never recommend that you copy a headline word for word, but using a great headline, like the ones
    above, to stimulate your thinking will help you write your greatest headlines quickly and easily.
    The Body Copy
    The body of the ad is the place to sell them on why they should click through. The key to writing
    great body copy is benefits.
    People who read your ads will care about one thing what s in it for them!
    The more your ad tells them, very clearly, what they will get from your product or service, the more they
    will click on your ad and buy your products!
    Does your offer help them save time? Tell them that. Does it help them make more money? Tell them!
    What benefit will they get by making that click? What return on their investment of time will they
    receive by going to your site or getting your email? If you don't answer that question, you won't properly
    set up the next step, called the call to action.
    Here's an easy formula to decide what to put in the body of your ad.
    List all the features of your product or service then, next to them, list the benefits of those features. You
    must write at least one benefit for each feature, or don't use that feature. People buy what your product or
    service will do for them, not only what it will do.
    Our software will help automate your daily tasks (feature), which means you will have more free time.
    (Benefit) (They're buying free time, not automation.)
    The key step in writing great body copy is to list all the benefits that your product or service offers and
    choose the top two or three to place in the body of the ad. Remember to write them as benefit
    statements using action words.
    One challenge with short ads is that they don't offer you much room. This means you will have to trim,
    trim and trim again. Here's an easy way to do that.
    Write your ad with no concern to how many words you use. Strike through or delete unnecessary words.
    Remember that you can use fragments in ads. Short sentences are OK. Get the point?
    Now count your words. If you are way off count, limit yourself to one benefit instead of two. Keep working
    until you have a powerful ad that clearly states benefits that people want.
    When you finish you should have about three to five lines of text that clearly state what benefit you
    can expect to receive from the product or service being promoted.\
    The Call to Action
    This is a critical part of the ad. Don t skimp on paying attention to how you ask someone to take
    At first blush, it seems like a simple click here will do. And that s where many online marketers make their
    mistake. Their headline creates curiosity. Their body copy lists the benefits people want. But their call to
    action leaves the reader with the feeling that they are about to be cheated or conned, and that spells
    disaster for any ad.
    The person reading your ad decides at this moment whether or not to click through, so saying the right
    thing is vital. What this means to you is that you must keep the call to action simple and make it the
    next logical step. It's often good to add a qualifier to the call to action by asking a question which can be
    answered by clicking.
    Such a question (using the example above) might be...
    Want to save time today? Click the link below.
    Or you could write it like this
    Click the link below to save time today!
    Where possible add an action word that convinces the reader to take action now. HOT TIP: The best formula for writing a compelling call to action statement is to restate the main benefit.
    Let s say that your product is one that saves time for the customer. In your body copy, you tied saving
    time (the feature) to spending more time with the family (the benefit). A call to action statement like Click
    here to begin spending more time with your family today! would work well.
    In Conclusion
    As with every aspect of online marketing, testing is the key to success. Each element of your ad, the
    headline, body copy, and call to action, deserve a thorough test. Once you find a great headline, use it
    with several different sounding ads to see which pulls the best result.
    Of course, it s vital that you use an ad tracker to determine which ads pull the best results. Using the simple techniques above you should be able to fashion an ad that works well and produces
    consistent profits. As with all advertising, you must test, test and test again to know what works.
    One more quick list. Once you have your ad written, be sure and do the following. We do this with every
    ad we run and it has saved us time and embarrassment. We hope it does the same for you.
    Pay close attention to capitalization and punctuation.
    Use a spell checker but don't trust it completely. Proof read your ad!
    Format your ad to 65 character hard return.
    Turn off word wrapping when you write your ad.
    Email the ad to yourself to see how it will look.
    Click on each link yourself to make sure they work.
    PROOF READ several times.
    Have someone else read your ad.
    That's it. Now you know the basics of writing a great ad. Armed with this knowledge you are
    free to search the web for great products to sell, write a killer ad, and make do the work of
    sending highly targeted traffic to any site you choose to promote.

    Still Not Apart of Motor Club Of America ? Learn More Here

    Making Money Using A Blog

     Money Making Blogs
    What is the best way for the average person to get the most PC money from their computer and the Internet?
    The one-two-three combination for maximum PC money is simply this:
    1. Set up a niche blog
    2. Promote niche products related to your blog
    3. Promote your blog
    Let’s see how you can easily carry out these two steps.

    Step One: Set Up a Niche Blog

    Before we get to the details about registering a blog, let’s pick a niche.
    A niche is not simply a specific subject or topic. It’s a topic people are interested in and are willing to spend money on.
    The most useful way to find a niche is to determine what people are already searching for. Determine what they are interested in. This is easy to do with the Google keywords tool found at:
    You can use keywords to find other, related keywords along with their monthly search volumes.
    It will probably take a while to settle on a topic you are interested in. But, once you’ve got a topic and one or more keywords that describe your topic, you’re ready to set up a blog.
    You can get a free blog at places like:
    Registering at these sites is simple.
    As part of the registration process, you will need to choose a name for your blog. Try to use the keywords you selected in your blog title. You may need to add a word because many keyword phrases are already taken.
    For example, if your keyword phrase is “housebreaking your dog”, you may need to add a word to get that phrase for your blog. You may need to use “housebreaking your dog quickly”. Of course, you’ll need to squash the words together so your blog title will actually be “housebreakingyourdogquickly”.
    Using your important keywords in your blog title helps search engines understand what your blog is all about.
    When you write blog posts or find articles to post on your blog, make sure they contain some of the keywords you have selected. This also helps search engine to properly recognize the topic of your site.

    Step Two: Promote Niche Products Related to Your Blog

    As you post blog entries, you’ll recommend certain products your readers can purchase. This is one key to making money with your blog.
    While you can promote your own products (if you have any), you can also promote other people’s products using an affiliate link.
    There are tens of thousands of affiliate products you can promote on just about any topic.
    Probably the best place to find affiliate products is at:
    They offer thousands of products in various price ranges on just about any subject. You can often make 50 to 75% of the sale price by directing one of your readers to purchase a product.

    Step Three: Promote Your Blog

    To get the most PC money from your blog, you need people to visit your blog.
    It’s just like a store running an ad in the newspaper. You need to advertise to promote your blog.
    In all likelihood, you’re just starting out. So, you’ll need to promote your blog using little or no money.
    Don’t worry. There are plenty of way to promote your blog. Some of these ways include:
    1. Participating in niche related forums. Let people on the forums get to know and trust you. When you give advice, they will listen. Answer some question on the forums, but point to your blog for a more in depth answer. This will help drive interested people to your blog.
    2. Write articles related to your niche. You can place articles on a variety of article sites like: Included with each article is a resource box that will have a link to your blog. This also helps drive targeted traffic to your blog.
    3. Write press releases about solutions you have found for common problems. Direct interested readers to you blog for details.
    If you follow these steps your blog will reach be quickly found by your target audience and you’ll start getting visitors. And, since these visitors have an interest in your site, many will become buyers of the products your recommend.
    Your PC money machine will be in full operation.

    Marketing 101 (Learn how to Market)

    This section of the training is the "MEAT and POTATOES" of the entire system. Here is where you will learn how to "market"our opportunity online and offline, exposing your website to the masses and make money with our system.

    Always remember:
    Marketing/Exposure = Money.

    The only way to see steady income with our system is to expose your links on a constant daily basis. It's really simple. The more you market, the more money you will make. If you choose to not take this serious and only market lightly, your paycheck will always reflect your efforts. We get paid only when we advertise. Those who make the most money... you guessed it -- post the most ads.

    The first question we ask, when anyone reports they are not making enough money is, "How many ads are you posting?"  Those same people report back that the actual number of ads they have posted from day to day is quite low. 
    Remember, this is simple web based work.  We COPY, PASTE, AND POST!  You will not earn a $1000 a week only posting 5-10 ads a day!  No one makes $1000 per week only working 20-30 minutes a day!  "This is not a get rich quick scheme!!"

    There is REALLY GREAT MONEY to be made consistently with GWP/MCA, and many people do make really good money with GWP every day, however, each and everyone of them work for what they earn, and at the end of the week feel they earned every bit of it.
    Your website will not make you money if you do not partner with it and do your part by bringing people to view it.  The flip side of this equation is that your business partner, which is your website, will work very hard for you every time you bring some one to check it out.

    "If you treat this like a job, it will pay you like a job!"

    "If you treat this like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby!"

    "If you treat this like a BUSINESS, it will pay you like a BUSINESS!"

    How We Market Online

    1. We place online ads on all classified websites and social media sites looking for people to work from home to earn extra income or replace their current income.

    2. From the efforts of our online advertising we generate inbound calls/emails/leads from those same people looking for a work from home position or people who are just looking to make more money period.
    (which is what we want - QUALIFIED PROSPECTS= PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU!!)

    3. Once a prospect responds to one of our advertisements they are then put through our marketing system introducing them to GWP and also introducing them to the way that we generate incoming calls/emails/leads for MCA through the power posting online classified ads.


    4. After they are introduced to the system, your prospects are then encouraged to become a member of MCA to take advantage of their amazing services and also become part of our referral marketing system to replicate the exact process so that they too can work from home promoting our system and get weekly paychecks.
    5.Prospects usually like the idea of HUGE WEEKLY PAYCHECKS and also WORKING FROM HOME generating incoming calls/emails/leads via our online marketing system.

    6. Once your prospect sees the value in MCA system they also are interested in making $$ WEEKLY with our GWP system.

    So we actually kill 2 birds with ONE stone!

    7. We introduce them to becoming an MCA Member and we also recruit them to work from home and follow our GWP system so they can GET PAID WEEKLY too!
    8. Once they decide that this is a great source of WEEKLY money, they join MCA on your affiliate link to ensure you get credit and you will receive $80 in commission for referring them plus a $6 override for ever sale they make.

    9. Now that your referral has joined MCA they are now qualified to receive $80 payments over and over, just like you did, for going out and spreading the word about our system.


    10. Send your new referrals this training site to ensure they follow the exact steps to make money with this system.

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    Internet Marketing With MCA and GWP


    This Work From Home System was established to provide individuals like you with the tools and skills to pursue a Non-Traditional, Highly Lucrative, Work From Home Business Plan. allows like minded individuals to come together and achieve financial freedom by generating income on a daily basis simply by using our turn-key marketing systems.

    As a member of our Training Team, you will have access to our No Fail Action Plan that tells you EXACTLY what to do in a step by step fashion to be successful with this opportunity.
    Once you are a member, you will get access to all the effective tools and training that we use to market and promote this any legitimate Income Opportunity online and offline.
    Once you are inside, you will be able to start earning immediate income within 24 to 48 hours!
    Our innovative marketing system will allow you to earn substantial income, learn and perfect our marketing process and help you generate income with ease. Our company lets you access a large collection of professionally designed training material that virtually ensures your success with our work from home opportunity.

    Now, you can get started TODAY and start earning money in a few hours!

    We know that you've made one of the best decisions of your life in getting started with us and we're ready to get you off to a FAST START! 

    We are extremely thrilled and excited that our opportunity is thriving.  We are attracting like-minded individuals from all walks of life and it is amazing! For those who are just beginning, you are in the process of creating the life you want.  Most importantly, you must believe!

    Simply "Dig In.."

    Get your feet wet.  That’s it!

    You will get the hang of it.  It’s okay to make mistakes.  We learn from them.  Just take a deep breath get started!! 

    Welcome to the TEAM!

    Not In MCA ? Learn More Here 

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    29 Covert Content Online Marketing Secrets FREE eBOOK now 29 Secerets you Should KNOW

    The world of content marketing is full of mystery and intrigue with companies leveraging every possible resource to achieve a competitive advantage.
    In the fast changing world of digital marketing, no resource is more valued than the coveted “Content Marketing Secret Agent”.
    These covert content operatives perform their customer segmentation, persona development and editorial planning in the dead of night while most marketers are asleep, snug in their beds. While the average content marketer dreams of page views and search engine rankings, Content Marketing Secret Agents are mapping the customer journey, crafting meaningful messages that pull prospects from awareness to measurable conversions.
    Few have been able to crack the code of this elite group but if anyone could, After reading this You To CAN! We’ve collected some of the best tips just for you.
    Download FREE eBook NOW

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Marketing MCA Fast Start Guide


    Use the information in this guide to start on earning commissions quickly and easily.  Then you will move on to the Complete Marketing Guide.

    Now, there are several ways to market this program and I highly recommend that you use them all for maximum success.  You will find this information in the Complete Marketing Guide.   I must admit that my success is happening so fast that I was truly unprepared for it!  I’ll accept the blessing however and I want to share with you exactly what I did.  So please follow these steps to jumpstart your success and stay tuned for the COMPLETE MARKETING GUIDE that I am in the process of writing. 

    Facebook is actually the best place to start marketing this program.  So that is where I want you to begin.  The first thing you will need to do is take a picture of yourself holding a wad of cash.  You will use this photo in your posting.  This is important and I assure you that if you start promoting this business without the photo you will hardly get any response.  If you don’t have any money at all, here are a couple of photos to help you: Photo1   Photo 2 Photo3
    You can save these photos to your PC by right clicking on the image, then choosing Save picture/Image as.  Then put it in your desired folder.  You can then post it later on Facebook. 

    Next you will post a message that will generate interest but not reveal exactly what your business is yet.   This creates a shroud of mystery so that people will actually stop what they are doing to contact you.   This is great since these folks are your facebook friends you probably already have an existing relationship with them so you want to communicate with them personally and in private.  You can create your own personal message but think along the lines of the following examples:

    1If you made less than $1,000 this past week from your J.O.B. or your work from home business, inbox me

    2If you're tired of being a slave & want to make some real money from home this summer, inbox me

    3I’ve found a way to make money and it has me really excited.  It’s helping a lot of people to earn lots of cash and I’m so happy I decided to do this too.  If you want to find out what I’m doing to earn cash from home, inbox me.

    So, you have the general idea.  Make up your own know your friends better than I do and be sure to be creative.  Also, it is a MUST that you tag as many people as you can.  That way not only will those people see your post but their friends will see it too.  Also, make sure to make your FB page public.  Please watch this video on how to properly tag someone in a post. Here is the link:  Please view this. I’ve noticed that a lot of people are not tagging correctly.   

    Okay, when they inbox you simply use ONE of the following messages: 

    FIRST MESSAGE: I'm a home associate for this company called MCA (MOTOR CLUB OF AMERICA) they are similar to triple A but like 10 times better. As a member/associate you get your normal roadside assistance and many more benefits including dental, vision, and prescription discounts. What my job is basically to get the word out about MCA kind of like promoting it, in which there are many ways of doing that. It’s $40 ($19.95 for your first & last month...$39.90 actually) to join MCA and for every person you get to join MCA pays you $80 per person!! We as associates are paid every Friday by either check or direct deposit. Its a great way to make extra money that adds up fast! You could actually do it part or full time too!  It can even replace the job you already have. MCA would basically be paying you for bringing them more members!  I send you my exact routine to start making money right away! So if you’re interested in joining my team let me know if your down!

    MESSAGE TWO: I work for a company called MCA which has 7 million members & has been around since 1926. For only $39.90 (first & last months benefits, it's $19.95 a month after) you become a member of their program & receive over $150,000 worth of benefits (ie. roadside assistance, towing, 40% off hotels & rental cars etc.) for each person you get to join under you & pay the $39.90, you get $80, 200% commissions. All you do is share this opportunity with others,the fact that $39.90 gets you great benefits & the ability to make as much money as you want, just like I'm doing and get $80 for each person is very exciting. So if you share this with only 1 person a day that's $560 a week in additional income.  That’s awesome right!  I will send you my EXACT ROUTINES that I use. If you are ready to share this opportunity with others & make as much $$$ as you want let me know So I can help you to get started right away.


    Hello , Insert Name Here and threw out message to make it personal!
     if you would like to know more you can go here. I Am an Affiliate With MCA Motor Club of America. We offer auto and health benefits, similar to AAA But, So Much More. you can Learn More About Our Benefits Here Motor Club of America Has Been In Business since 1926 and Thrive Off the Member Referral. See, When You Become A Member Of MCA Motor Club of America on Top of All the Benefits You Receive  Insensitive  Cash Bonuses For Every Member You Refer. Another Great thing is There is No Limit To how Many You Can Sign Up. You Can Expand is much as you please. Open a mall Kiosk, a small business office. The Possibilities are endless. TO get more into detail please visit the first link. Fill in your name , email and number, And a Overview Will Play And Explain Everything In DETAIL and i will even call you and speak to you in person . so you know I Am Real and, this is a real website and real business opportunity. SO, if you are interested let me know! you could follow that link and we can set you up today! possibly making your first sale by the end of the night . .


    You might recognize one or those messages or a variation thereof.   Like I said it does work and it’s simple and easy to post this because it explains pretty much what we do.  Also, you should inbox the people that like your photos with one of those messages.  You can say something like:  “Hi, so and so, I noticed you liked my post.  Well, (then post one of the messages above).  You get the rest.  Feel free to personalize this message and address the person that you are talking to and customize the message to suit your needs or the situation but for the most part this is to save you time. 

    Last, if they say that they are ready to start send them this message:

    Go to :

    Be sure to add your username. (Then remove this comment before sending)


        THEN CLICK “REGISTER”.  Enter your personal information (Name, Address, State, City, Zip) & complete until you see a “CHECKOUT RECEIPT” SCREEN


        Message me on Facebook with your USERNAME so I know to send you the FULL TECHNIQUE.

        Then I will send you the Fast Start Guide so that you start earning money right away while you are learning the rest of the steps.  You have the ability to make over $400+ PER WEEK on a regular basis just following these steps alone.

    (5 people+ EVERY WEEK)

    Call me at:  Your phone number here if you have any questions.

    If you have the Get Weekly Paychecks system you can send them the video that demonstrates how they do the previous steps and it makes thing so much simpler!




    This is the complete Fast Start Guide but there are so many other ways to make money with this business.  Get Started with these steps then later you will move on to the Complete Marketing System.  Reading this stuff is tedious but worth it and it is truly the hardest part of the whole system but after you have the knowledge the rest is automatic.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Also, for maximum results I recommend the Get Weekly Paychecks system.  Check out this video:
    copyright @gozancorp