Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How To Keep Your Craigslist Ad at the Top

How to Keep Your Craigslist Listing at the Top of the Search Results
Craigslist displays search results in reverse chronological order, so if you're selling a popular item you can quickly fall further and further in the listings. If you want to keep your item up top, you need to frequently repost. Here's an easy way to minimize the tediousness of reposting your ad to move it to the top of the search listings.
  • Create a Craigslist account if you don't already have one and log in.
  • Post your ad, wait until it falls in the listings, and then right-click the ad you want to repost (on your account page) and open it in a new tab.
  • In the new tab, you'll have an option to edit your ad. Right-click the option to edit and open it in a new tab.
  • Now right click your category and open that in a new tab. Create a new ad in that category, then navigate between the tabs you already have open and copy and paste the information from the existing ad into the new fields.
  • Once you've copy-and-pasted all the information into the new ad, delete the old one from your account page and post the new one. Now your ad will be back up top.
This may seem like it's just as tedious as redoing the ad from scratch, but I do this for pretty much every Craigslist listing I post and I can promise it does save quite a bit of time. As a Craigslist seller, it's a handy trick, but as any buyer knows, little is more annoying than having to weed through the same ad popping up at the top of your results every single day, so re-post responsibly, and please, don't spam.


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